Monday, June 25, 2012

Networking King

Some have called him a boy genius - Time Magazine named him person of the year in 2010, others simply know him as the guy who created Facebook. But unlike the founder of MySpace, Tom Phillips, what Zuckerberg created in his college dorm room at the tender age of 19, was nothing short of a worldwide phenomenon that changed the way people and businesses interact forever.

Growing Up

Born to well-off Jewish parents, Karen and Edward Zuckerberg, in the suburb of White Plains, New York, Mark was raised in the trendy village of Dobbs Ferry, New York. But don't let his upper class upbringing fool you: Zuckerberg excelled in his studies at Phillips Exeter Academy. Along with his three sister, Randi, Donna and Arielle (Randi worked for Facebook at one point) they won numerous prizes for science, math and other subject throughout middle school and high school years.

Known as "Zuck" to his friends and family, he developed a fondness for communications and computers early on. When he was 12 years old, he developed a messaging system with Atari BASIC, which his father, a dentist, used regularly in his practice. He graduated high school with a focus on literary classics and enrolled in Harvard in 2002.

The Concept of Facebook

Obviously Harvard has and is known for cultivating great talents born out of great individuals. Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, President Barack Obama, businessman Bill Gates and cellist Yo Yo Ma are among the many Harvard graduates that have gone on to become leaders and innovators. For Zuckerberg, graduation was too far away to become a success and a leader of the networking industry. It was during his sophomore year at Harvard when he created Facebook; the social networking site that now connects over 550 million people worldwide.

While the movie, The Social Network, may have made Zuckerberg out to be a greedy, introverted kid, the reality of that story was far from the truth. There was some confusion about the initial concept of who created the basic idea of Facebook while Zuckerberg was at school, but until his company became well-known, nothing was said about his creation. As Zuckerberg stated in many interviews from the New York Times to the Atlantic Wire, he wanted to be mature about the situation and settled with an out-of-court payment to appease those who may have been involved in Facebook's inception. Ultimately, it is clear that only Mark could take Facebook to the heights he had planned for it to be.

¬Who is the man/boy really? He is modest, dresses in jeans and t-shirts most days and rents out a small home near fellow Harvard dropout, Steve Jobs. He talks quickly, gets excited about anything to do with technology and is, above all, highly creative. He has a tight-knit family, a close group of friends and desires fervently to further the success of his company rather than himself.

Facebook started as a connection for Harvard-only students. It then grew to allow all Ivy League schools. When Facebook received a huge investment of $12.7 million dollars from a capital firm named Accel Partners, he decided to take the company to the next level. He moved his operation to Palo Alto, California –also known as Silicone Valley. Soon after, he decided to not go back to his Ivy League education, and instead devoted his time to creating a social network that is now worth more than $50 billion dollars. Zuckerberg's Present As the world’s youngest billionaire, his personal net worth is approximately $6.9 billion. Fortune 500 companies like Viacom and Yahoo both have offered deals in the billions to acquire his concept. But Zuckerberg is sticking to his guns, working to constantly improve the site, making it easier for people to share messages, photos, videos, updates, play games, and more.

While most companies at this point in its obviously wild success would be turned to a public company, Zuckerberg has kept it private to maintain the most control on decisions regarding the site and the service. There has been discussion of Facebook becoming a publicly traded company, but for now, those thoughts are a couple of years away.

The Future

While Zuckerberg had his hands full in the past turning down offers and tightening Facebook's privacy issues, the future of Facebook is somewhat hazy. As he states, "I am here to build something for the long term. Anything else is a distraction." It may seem to some that Facebook has reached its pinnacle, that being the youngest, the biggest and the best networking site in the world means you have achieved it all. However, "Zuck" isn't done yet. Just as Steve Jobs' continued to reinvent the proverbial wheel with Apple computers, the iPod and the iPhone, Facebook may very well be the start of a conglomeration of ideas that Zuckerberg plans to share with the world. With a near-perfect score on his SATs, that alone should tell you that the inner-workings of Zuckerberg's mind are far from resting.

source :

what have your learned from him?

as for me, I can see him as a person with full of DETERMINATION and yang paling penting CONSISTENT. he can see what he wants to achieve even masa zaman muda remaja lagi ok, on the other hand some of us at this age pun tak pasti tentang masa depan

fikir-fikir kan


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pencen Muda, Pencen Kaya

Saya memang berangan angan nak pencen waktu umur saya 40 tahun...memang saya dah kecoh satu kampung yang saya akan pencen pada umur tersebut...kebanyakan org yg rapat dgn saya dah tau angan-angan saya nih

saya bayangkan pada umur 40 tahun saya dah ada semua yang di bawah nih, saya kan suka berangan...owh yea, berangan tak perlu byr duit tau :)

ha, inilah dream house saya. tak besar sgt, tapi complete dgn swimming pool

ok, inilah dream car saya...but ini kereta nak pegi market ok :) kalau jln ramai ramai kita bawak kereta bawah nih

estima jer, sbb anak pun dah 3 kan hehehe

dan tak lupa simpanan yg cukup dlm bank....

saya fikirkan, bila saya pencen umur 40 tahun and dah ada benda2 di atas ni senang lah hidup saya. Cuma mr hubby jer yg pergi kerja, saya uruskan anak-anak di rumah. pagi-pagi hantar anak ke sekolah, balik rumah masak then ambil anak blk sekolah...bla bla bla and the routine goes on...bila cuti sekolah pula maybe boleh pergi holiday ke London ke, Paris ke, Italy maybe...wah seronok sungguh :)

tapi....bila difikirkan balik REALITY nya saya dah berumur 33 tahun, and non of the above yg saya dah capai

macam mana saya nak pencen umur 40 tahun ni?


Alhamdulillah saya dah ada rumah, tapi rumah kami biasa-biasa ajer (takder swimming pool pun hehehe)...kami cuma ada myvi and spectra jer, duit simpanan pun cukup-cukup jer utk renew roadtax by end of the year...pergi bercuti pun jarang jarang

mungkin tuhan dah jodohkan saya bertemu semula dgn kawan lama saya Wahida Ghazali sbb dia yg bawa saya masuk business Premium Beautiful nih...dan saya jumpa dgn mentor-mentor hebat dlm business Maisarah Ibrahim Hanis Haizi ...semua mereka ini bermula dgn zero, but now pencapaian mereka sgt luar biasa

siapa sangka seorang suri rumah boleh berpendapatan 6 angka sebulan? siapa sangka anak pengawal keselamatan boleh memiliki bmw f10?

apa impian anda? sudi tak nak kongsi dgn saya? saya boleh tunjukkan jalan bagaimana mentor-mentor hebat yg saya kenali ini capai impian mereka

interested? call/ sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Friday, June 22, 2012

Shawl from Sugarscarf

i love love love shawl from Sugarscarf.....colour yg cantik, design yg memang tak sama dengan apa yg ada kat market. it is like if you bought scarft from Sugarscarf people will notify u :))

most of my shawl collection is from here. lets see if i can find my pic wearing it

i love the design & colour so english. senang nak pakai pun yer, sbb dia jenis lace

yang ini pun lace jugak, agak keras tapi suka colour dia

this is cotton, i have few more design in cotton...senang nak pakai sbb material dia jenis berat

my fren Wahida Ghazali also has a lot of Sugarscarf collection hehehe. she's like my partner in crime lah...huhu suka update stock baru sugarscarf kat i

what is your choice of head scarft? tudung bawal? ariani? radiusite? pashmina? apa2 pun yg penting sambil berfesyen jgn lupa tutup aurat *peringatan utk diri sendiri juga :-)


Thursday, June 14, 2012



London & Paris is like everyone's dream place

It's FREE y'all....anyone here doesn't like FOC Trip? Just save your money for S H O P P I N G

First time the company; Hai-O sponsored 8 days trip. 4 days each country

Designer handbag is damn cheap there. It is time to get your Chanel Flap :-)

call me to get your free ticket, you might be there with your partner too....

p/s : it's not too late...start practice your french accent now :)

interested? call / sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My All...

YOU ARE the reason why i'm venture into this business

YOU ARE the reason why i want to change my life

YOU ARE the reason i want to live



Saturday, June 9, 2012

Papa atau Kaya???

Papa atau kaya terletak pada usaha kita sendiri. Kita sendiri membuat pilihan sama ada kita mahu hidup kaya atau papa.

Percaya tak anda kalau saya katakan semua orang kaya di dunia ini bermula dgn seribu kesusahan
Jarang ada org kaya yg lahir dari keluarga kaya, mewarisi harta jutaan ringgit. kalau ada pun spesis mereka ini tidak dapat mengekalkan kekayan yang ada...ramai yg hanya tahu berjoli katak drpd melipat gandakan jutaan ringgit tadi.

Rakyat Malaysia khususnya Melayu (mcm saya) melihat kaya dari persepsi berbeza masyarakat Cina. Orang Cina menjadikan kekayaan sebagai KPI hidup mereka. Tapi kita Melayu (again, mcm saya) menganggap kaya bukan segalanya, aku masih boleh hidup tanpa wang, money is not everything (but everything need money ?), love is everything (kalau hari hari makan maggie bagaimana rasa cinta tu ye)

Oleh itu kita tak pernah berusaha lebih...kita hanya usaha biasa-biasa aja....tidak ada yg luar biasa kita lakukan. Kebanyakan dari kita hanya mengharap wang pencen untuk hidup senang di masa tua nanti. Tapi bagaimana nasib anak cucu kita nanti? Masyarakat Cina pula berfikir sebaliknya, mereka telah menyiapkan wang ringgit, harta benda, insurans, rumah, tanah untuk anak, cucu dan mungkin sampai ke cicit....

Orang selalu berkata buat apa derma sejuta ringgit tapi tak ikhlas
derma seringgit dengan ikhlas adalah lebih baik dari sejuta ringgit yang tak ikhlas

Cuba kita fikir balik mcm mana pulak kalau kita derma sejuta ringgit dengan ikhlas??
mana lebih baik?? Sejuta ke seringgit??
confirm sejuta ringgit lagi baik kan...

Tetapi itu lah realitinya orang Melayu kita masih menidakkan konsep kekayaan itu sendiri

Fikir fikirkan lah....
dan kalau anda dah tahu jawapannya hubungilah saya 012-202 5754


Johor Darul Takzim

(16 - 18 June 2012)

Anyone in Johor interested to meet up for business opportunity....drop me an email or call me anytime

I will bring some stock of Premium Beautiful Corset & Lactolite, you can get it at Promo Price for raya :-)

See you there....owh, not to forget London & Paris trip. This is your chance to fly with us!

interested? call/ sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh my Englishhhh...

Astro has come out with one tv program Oh my English yg for me sgt audience of course utk kanak-kanak below 12 years, but as an adult i also learn from there. Everyday balik keje zara or iman akan cerita what's on tv, other than cartoon, cartoon, cartoon they love to watch Oh my English at Ceria. Oh my English -  the educational sitcom that will make you laugh and help you learn English at the same time!

You can view the character and episode listing here -->

hahahaha chop...haiyahhhhh!!!!

open the fan lol

lend instead of borrow

actually i found that easiest way to learn english is dgn pergi melancong OVERSEAS ye, penang not included :) anddddd.....i offer u free ticket to LONDON & PARISSSSS.....

yes....the requirement is so simple, kalau sudi have a sip of coffee with me i can show u the wayyyyyy

interested? call/ sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mudah berpantang dgn PB

Weeee.....takder lagi masalah nak lilit2 bengkung masa pantang, no hassle, result oriented! Majalah Pa&Ma menyarankan ibu berpantang menngunakan bengkung (waist nipper) Premium Beautiful!!!!

Sesuai untuk ibu bersalin normal atau pembedahan kerana ia banyak membantu proses pembentukan semula bentuk badan anda bagi tujuan pelangsingan


interested? call/ sms/ pm/ email
DIANA | 012-202 5754 |

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Green Leaders Group Diamond Seminar 2012

The seminar was held on 27 may 2012 and attended by 100++ participant from our group


seminar dibuat di Sunway Hotel & Spa Resort, boleh nampak sunway lagoon from seminar room

i'm so honoured sbb dpt pergi this seminar, sbb semua yg hadir kali ni adalah "diamonds", semuanya adalah pemimpin dlm group masing2...weeeee its was a good chance for me utk serap segala ilmu yg pemimpin beri

on that day, 3 speakers was there of course our Leaders Hanis Haizi, Salha Zain and my beloved Maisarah Ibrahim :) topic yg disediakan sgt bagus utk bantu pemimpin lahirkan lebih banyak diamonds dlm group, nak jaga & kuatkan kumpulan, time management etc etc

 there is a lot of opportunities to dream big in this biz, lets have a cup of coffee...i'll show u the right way

interested? call/ sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Kenapa & Mengapa?

KENAPA & MENGAPA????? soalan nih selalu berlegar2 dlm kotak fikiran kita bile kita nak ambik satu2 langkah challenge in our life. Ramai yg tanya pasal biz Premium Beautiful yg i and our group buat nih...tapi masing2 takut nak ambil langkah pertama to get out from their comfort zone. lets see apakah soalan-soalan cepumas yg selalu ditanya :

modal besar, saya tak ada duit

sebab itulah kena buat biz, if not sampai bila2 pun kita tak akan ada duit extra....takut nak buat loan sbb tak nak ada commitment dgn bank, kalau kita tak buat loan utk biz maybe masa emergency utk anak sakit, nak pegi holiday, nak raya, kereta rosak etc etc. kena berkorban sekarang kalau tak pengorbanan kita in future lagi besar. lagipun biz ni modal hanya SEKALI SEUMUR HIDUP, tak payah nak rolling modal lagi compare kalau kita bukak kedai dobi ke, spa, restaurant yg mana kita kena spent utk byr gaji pekerja, sewa kedai, utilities etc etc. biz premium beautiful ni cuma dlm internet, di mana kaki melangkah kita akan bawak biz kita 24 hours bukak kedai :) sbb tu lah i'm venture into this biz, senang nak dpt income besar...yup! money is not everything, but everything need money

i'm so busy, takde masa nak buat part time biz

yup! biz ni memang sgt sesuai utk orang yg bz macam saya, keje 8.30am to 7pm...ya that's me kadang2 drag sampai kol 8/9pm....tapi hebatnya biz ni kita cuma buat 2 hours byk ke masa spent for biz??? siapa yg tak ada 2 jam sehari angkat tangan sekarang??? hehehe sbb apa saya kata 2 jam sbb kita buat totally thru fb and drpd dok klik2 fb tak dpt apa2 baik kita buat biz kan...and for a long term mmg kita aim dpt spent masa byk for family kan? so dgn biz nih memang saya aim utk dapat buat full time and manage my own time, tak perlu ikut office hour lagi so that i can spent more time with family

i tak ada kawan, and i tak pandai bercakap
ya that is soooo me...memang dulu most of us yg buat biz nih tak pandai bercakap and tak ada kawan, kadang2 tuh jiran sebelah pun tak ingat nama setakat hi hi bye bye jer. yg kita perlu sekarang ialam move out from out comfort zone and bertekad utk ubah hidup kita drpd biasa2 ke luar biasa....this biz is about TEAMWORK. I have go thru this phase and until now our leader akan sama-sama bantu kita utk buat sampai berjaya...and alhamdulillah the result is awesome...i really love this biz

interested? call/ sms/ email
diana | 012-202 5754 |

Friday, June 1, 2012

1 Malaysia

Orang Melayu kata "engkau buatlah dulu....."

Orang India kata "ayo yo,boleh dapat berapa banyak duit ni...........?"

Orang Cina kata "takpe, wa buat dulu......"

Yang mana satu pilihan anda? kenapa nak jadi orang biasa kalau kita ada pilihan utk jadi luar biasa...kita kena keluar daripada kepompong selamat kita dah lihat dunia luar dari aspek yg berbeza...paling penting kena ada azam dan semangat, positif dalam setiap perkara, jangan mengaku kalah...semua terletak dalam minda kita

selagi peluang masih ada di depan mata, rebut peluang yang ada

renung renungkan.... :)
