Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kimora Lee Simmons

“Live life on your own path. Everybody’s got something different. You can’t keep up with all those people, so you better keep up with yourself.”
- Kimora Lee Simmons

There's always a FIRST time for everything and BLOGGING is no different! Assalamualaikum, salam perkenalan. This is my first entry, not so sure what to write hence i choose above gorgeous lady. Siapa tak kenal KIMORA LEE SIMMONS...kalau boleh saya nak jadik macam dia. A lovely wife, ibu yg sgt penyanyang, successful business woman and definitely seorang model (oppsss yg ini mungkin tak boleh hehe...). Semoga blog ni dapat ubah hidup saya 360 degree...saya mesti berani berubah utk masa depan family & anak2.

So, welcome me blogging world! Stay tuned....