Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why you should wear Premium Beautiful Corset?

soalan yang mudah
jawapannya pun mudah
sebab kita sering tertanya-tanya
kenapa perlu beli baju dalam sampai harga RM2000++???
bulat biji mata abang nanti :)

Yes it's a luxury corset, and this year marks 19 years in the market. It's proven that our product is good. Other brand in the market is actually following us, we are the trend setter. Sebut jer Premium Beautiful semua orang dah tau kelebihannya, bayangkan lah corset ni dah ada zaman mak-mak kita dulu, and now anak-anak pulak pakai

Have you ever heard any corset or lingerie have lifetime warranty? Yes, we are giving after sales service and you can repair your corset FOC. Confirm berbaloi kan? If beli brand yang ada di shopping mall hook tercabut nak buat apa? buang jer lah kan...but we can repair our corset, yeay! spend your money wisely so that we can buy more handbags and shoess...*lol

Superbrands is actually an independant body, bukan boleh beli-beli ek superbrand ni. Maknanya product Premium Beautiful ni memang pilihan ramai dan berkualiti tinggi. Cuba tengok any others superbrand product macam roti Gardenia, comparekan dengan brand lain...tak sama kan?

Our corset memang not focus on beauty semata-mata, we are more focus on your health and at the same time give you confidence. Testimoni Premium Beautiful corset nih sangat banyak, and kita bukan suka-suka create testimoni sendiri. Semuanya feedback from our clients; PB corset nih boleh kurangkan sakit pinggang, migrain, astham, slip disc, keputihan, trying to conceive, prevent breast & serviks cancer, irregular period, period pain, gastric and many more. And at the same time boleh betulkan posture badan, contouring and slimming. Senang kata PB corset ni macam doctor bergerak kita yang betulkan apa-apa dalam badan kita yg tak betul

Kak Ana, our top leader turun dari 98kg ke 55kg dlm masa 6 bulan

Our beloved leader, founder of Green Leader Group; CDM Hanis Haizi

PB corset mampu memberikan instant shaping

last but not least, yours truly :)


Badan perempuan ada banyak jenis kan; ada yg curvy macam Kim Kardashian, ada yang gems macam Queen Latifah, then ada jugak yang sekeping macam Mrs Beckham (owh i think posh is so thin). So don't worry girls we have sizes for any body type..and the corset is so comfortable you can feel like you dont wear corset, you can move 360 degree, so you can wear corset even in gym

so wait no more...get your Premium Beautiful corset at special price now. Contact me!
012-202 5754

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