Friday, December 28, 2012

Ready for School

This 2013 i will have 2 kids going to school....*phewwwww
Iman Aisyah will go to kindy
Zara Sofiya will go to Standard 1

how time flies
tup tup anak dah masuk sekolah rendah
it's 7 years already maaaa......huhuhu

So, let's see our preparation for both of them....

First and foremost we are sooooo look forward to buy school uniform for Zara....berkira-kira nak beli which brand sebab now ada banyak readymade in store. After getting some advice from Mr. Google we choose to buy from Canggih....because of the quality and price quite ok lah compare to other....ok, what else we bought for Zara

3 helai baju & 4 helai kain
2 helai tudung 
2 pair of shoes
bag sekolah - we actually need to buy another one for KAFA
stokin etc
buku sekolah
it cost us +- RM700

And for Iman pulak, we sign up her for Q-dees since Kakak Zara has a good experience with them why not adik just continue jer kan....lagipun the teachers semua baik-baik and school pun dekat jer dengan rumah. School uniform, bag, stationaries and books all provided by Q-dees. So total registration is about RM1k

Overall, we hope that we have provide the best for our children.....and 
Insya Allah...mama doakan for both of them supaya dapat belajar dengan baik in new school and jadi anak yang soleh...amin 


  1. All the best Mc Dee..excited kan bila anak sulung nak masuk darjah 1.. Mcm tu lah perasaan yana dulu..nanti mesti ngalir air mata bila tgk dia dok dlm kelas..
